Friday, 26 October 2012

Dragon Tails of the River Bank

Well to cut a long story short, my mate Graham and I decided to go fishing.  It was a trip for my birthday so I took the camping stove and cooking kit with me as we would be there all day and I thought we'd have a nice cooked lunch.  Sausages of course!

I packed half a dozen Meatline's Welsh Dragons just for the heck of it!  However knowing Graham likes fully flavoured and spicy food I didn't mention before hand these sausages come with a kick, just so I could gauge his reaction.  

Three each then pan fried on the river bank.

Eating these "outdoors" proved to be an excellent experience, blowing and munching we devoured four of these fiery monsters in some good quality soft rolls followed by a cup of tea (mind you I couldn't taste the tea having had my taste buds partially seared by the chilli) then we sat back.  Reaction from Graham...silence!  They must have hit the spot then!
After a few minutes, OK yes, let's have the other two!  

The verdict.  Excellent, we must do these again.  They did taste slightly different to when we sampled them in the kitchen though which was strange, perhaps a week in the freezer has increased the time before ignition a little bit, but don't get me wrong, they were particularly good.  It just seemed that it took a few bites more this time before the fire started!

As for the fishing, not a great day, but the dragons certainly made up for it!

See our full review and others at 

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